User Role Assign Plugin for WordPress
It assigns a specific role to the user after completing a WooCommerce order.
Twitter Crawler
It retrieves specific tweets and stores them in a database.
Gmail Integration
Adds labels to email messages according to various criteria.
Wordpress website
Created and personalized a Wordpress site for post about organic products.
Real State Marketplace
Created an international real estate marketplace for posting real estate, focusing on search features.
Multimedia Pipeline for Ingestion
Implementing a pipeline for ingesting and transcoding multimedia assets at scale in AWS.
Wordpress website
Creation and personalization of a Wordpress website for posts about Eco-Luxury-Travel.
Crawler for real estate portal
Implementation of a crawler to retrieve and store properties from a real estate portal in a database.
Android MDM
Creation of an Android application capable of automating tasks and executing commands on demand on the device from a central remote server.
Self-service Kiosk
Implementation of a secure public self-service kiosk under Linux. The kiosk could be easily maintained by the technicians by implementing a method to manage the kiosk on site using a regular smartphone.
Zoho Integration
Integration of external IT systems with Zoho.
Chronos Platform / Global Weather Events
Development of an extremely efficient global weather coverage service that triggers actions in the event of rain or snow at a specific location with an accuracy of 2.5 km.
Chronos Platform / Digital Signage CMS
Developed a reactive digital signage content management system from the ground up. The playlist was defined using a graphical interface based on configurable drag-and-drop nodes that can be wired together to create the playlist logic.
Chronos Platform / Event Engine
Similar to AWS Event Bridge, but implemented before AWS released it. Was executed in AWS. The terminology used in the AWS product was exactly the same as the terminology we had used months before.
Chronos Platform / Digital Signage Player
Development of a player with a single code base (Android, Windows, Linux, SmartTV) for the Chronos Digital Signage Platform. The player supports audio, video and full-fledged web pages for unlimited extensibility. It also implemented bi-directional communication for receiving live commands from a central server. The player utilized a communication architecture that eliminated the need to open ports in the customer's network infrastructure so that it could be easily connected.
Mobile Application
Application for remote control of multimedia devices, which can also be used as a multimedia receiver.
Email Bot
A service that responds to received emails after processing complex PDF attachments.
Jobs Crawler
A crawler that searches many websites for job vacancies and stores them in a database.
Crypto Exchange
Development of a complete web platform for the secure purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies.
RS232 to the cloud
Implementation of all systems required to convert legacy point-of-sale devices without network capabilities into cloud-enabled devices. The customer was a Fortune 50 company.
Digital Signage CMS
An improved and optimized re-implementation of the Chronos Platform CMS.
Bank Integration
Built an integration with a bank that does not offer API access.
CLI Tool
A command line interface tool for managing Android devices using the Mobile Device Manager already implemented in 2018.
Crypto Trading Patterns
Built a tool for extracting patterns from Crypto exchanges, including a bot for Telegram.
SalesForce Integration
Created an application that enables bi-directional communication between a client's service and SalesForce, including file transfers. The integration included a user interface in SalesForce. The integration was approved by SalesForce and published in the SalesForce AppStore.
IrisCRM Integration
Creation of an application that enables bidirectional communication between a customer's service and IrisCRM.
Building a powerful marketplace platform from the ground up.
Wordpress Woocomerce Integration
Development of a WordPress plugin for easy synchronization of e-commerce products with a marketplace.
Shopify Integration
Creation of a Shopify integration for easy synchronization of e-commerce products with a marketplace.
Blockchain Notary
Creates a virtually irrefutable notarization service for any type of digital document based on the Bitcoin blockchain. Designed so that it is not necessary to submit or send the digital document to a server.
Global Network Latency Test
Implementation of a multi-cloud platform to measure latency to a server from many regions and from many providers.
Coronavirus Detector IoT Integration
A gateway and a machine learning service were implemented to connect an IoT coronavirus detector with an IoT air purifier.
High Performance Dashboard
A dashboard that is scalable for millions of users.
Wordpress website
Creation of a Wordpress site.
Crypto Arbitrage Platform
Creates an automated platform for crypto arbitrage. It takes into account the liquidity of assets and accurately predicts the final sell/buy prices for a given volume of market operations.
Image Resizing
A high-performance multithreaded service for resizing images on the fly.
Lead Manager / CRM
A CRM system with email integration for receiving and sending.
Attendance Control System
A system for attendance control at the workplace.
Industrial Dashboard
Creation of a dashboard that reflects the status of an industrial machine.
Zoho Integration
Creation of an integration between Zoho and an external service.
Restaurant Credit Manager
Creation of an application to manage customer credit offered by restaurants and bars.
Will be detailed in 347 days.